The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat – What Really Works

the best exercise to lose belly fat

Did you know that the best exercise to lose belly fat is actually good old-fashioned walking?

If you think that sounds too easy, it kind of is.

Just about everybody wants to lose a little, or maybe even a lot of fat from their tummy area. You probably think about it almost every day.

Maybe you even wonder about how it would be possible to start losing your belly weight when you get dressed or look in the mirror each morning. 

It can be discouraging and downright frustrating when you make the decision to start losing weight because it is not an overnight process.

We live in a time when everyone seems obsessed with their looks and a time when everyone just wants a plain, quick fix. There is no one easy answer so be patient and start with a plan of action.

Once you commit to making a healthier you, you will start shedding that unwanted belly fat.

Lose Belly Fat With A Brisk Walk The best exercise to lose belly fat

In order to start losing your belly fat, you first need to start losing some weight.

That is going to involve some cardiovascular exercise which will help you begin burning fat stores in your body.

You can’t spot remove fat from a particular area of your body, but if you start getting regular cardiovascular exercise, you will start to shed fat from all over your body and this will apply to your stomach area as well.

The absolute easiest form of cardiovascular exercise is walking.

Benefits of Walking for Fat Loss

It doesn’t cost a thing, it can be done anywhere and it’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine. It requires no complicated or costly equipment either.

Plus it is relatively low stress on your body. That’s a whole lot of reasons to get your shoes on and start picking up the pace!

Another huge advantage to brisk walking is that it can be done anywhere and at anytime. You don’t even need to schedule in a specified workout into your day.

How Much Should You Walk?

If time is a constraint for you, simply pick 10 minute intervals throughout the day to do a quick walk. Those 10 minute blocks of time can really add up at the end of the day. 

Think about if you were to walk for 10 minutes at 3 different times of the day. That adds up to 30 minutes of exercise in a day.

If you did this every day you would have briskly walked for 210 minutes at the end of the week!

Brisk walking is also a great way to decompress by yourself. It is a time when you can devote to your health and well being without distraction.

Once you get in the zone of power walking you will find it is a great way to relax. The cardiovascular benefits of walking really add up over time.

All it takes is some proper sneakers for walking and you’re all set. Treadmills, walks around the block or even the mall are great ways to get your steps in each day.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat 

The best exercise to lose belly fat

Without a doubt, to begin losing belly fat, you need to start burning off fat. The most effective way to burn fat from the body is with cardiovascular exercise.

Cardiovascular exercise is any form of exercise that elevates the heart rate into a fat burning zone.

If you are breaking a sweat and your heart beat is pumping, you are doing cardiovascular exercise. 

Always make sure you can still talk while you are exercising. This will ensure you are not at the point of overexerting yourself.

Before beginning any cardio program, always check with your doctor to be sure it is right for you.

What is cardiovascular exercise anyway?

The simplest way to understand what cardiovascular exercise is, is to think of it basically as any exercise that raises your heartbeat for a consistent period of time.

What Is The Goal of Cardio?

You shouldn’t be winded to the point of not being able to talk, but you should feel it as you exert yourself. 

The goal is not to pound your body until you’re ready to drop. You just want to get your heartbeat up and feel some sweat.

Our bodies and muscles were designed to move. It just feels good when you move around, doesn’t it? And if we want to keep our bodies in shape, we need to move.

Cardio is an aerobic exercise that strengthens your heart.

The heart is actually a muscle and its strength can be radically improved through exercise. When your heart is stronger, you can efficiently have more oxygen going to the cells in your body.

In the long term, this helps burn more fat while exercising and while at rest. Now who wouldn’t want to increase fat loss during rest?

Examples of Cardio Exercise the best exercise to lose belly fat

There are many different forms of cardio such as running, cycling, high intensity interval training, stair climbers and swimming.

However, one of the best, easiest and safest forms of cardio exercise, is walking.

Whether you use a treadmill or just a sidewalk in your neighborhood, get out there and do a brisk walk.

Raise your heartbeat and begin to start shedding some fat.

How Much Should You Walk to Burn Belly Fat?

the best exercise to lose belly fat

Going for a brisk walk is a great way to reduce anxiety, sleep better at nighttime, help prevent disease, feel better overall and of course, help you lose belly fat.

In 2018, the Physical Activities Guidelines for Americans outlined that adults should aim to do at least 150-300 minutes of brisk aerobic activity per week.

Or if you prefer vigorous activity, it would be 75-150 minutes per week.

Brisk walking is a fantastic way to burn body fat, in particular stored fat. But you’ve got to keep two things in mind in order to burn visceral fat (the kind that’s deep inside around your waist):

  1. Your heartbeat needs to stay elevated in your fat burning zone and
  2. You need to walk long enough to dip into your reserved fat stores

How Long Should You Walk?

the best exercise to lose belly fat

Key advice for losing belly fat and weight in general, is to start with 30 minutes of solid, fast-paced walking, 4-5 times per week.

If you want to see results quicker, try increasing your rapid walking to 45 minutes at a rate of 4.0 on the treadmill.

This small time increase can really start to make big changes in your waistline.

For maximum results faster, try incorporating 60 minutes of speed walking, 5 days per week. This can bump up your results faster. 

This longer time seems to make an amazing difference in losing weight and also in the ability to keep it off for good. That being said, trying to find that kind of time commitment can be a challenge.

But you can also try breaking this down into 15 minutes chunks throughout the day. It really does add up!

Even if you can’t get to 60 minutes, you’ll be amazed at how brisk walking can transform your body.

There are some helpful devices on the market that can help you track your minutes and caloric burn.

The goal is just to get moving, because once you get into a fat burning heart rate zone, you will be torching calories and losing fat.

Keep it up over the course of a month and see what a difference it will make to your waist, and body in general.

When You Should Get Your Fat Burning Exercise

the best exercise to lose belly fat

If you start doing a quick walk for at least five days a week, you will start burning belly fat, begin losing weight, and you will receive the necessary amount of exercise that will help reduce many health risks.

It’s really a win-win scenario!

Since the fat burning zone overlaps with the moderate intensity zone, you can do this exercise every day if you like, or every other day.

Just be sure to incorporate some muscle building exercises at least twice a week to help keep you lean and toned in the long run.

This way your muscles will remain strong, which also helps with fat burning.

If you are brand new to walking, be sure to check with your doctor first to ensure you’re healthy enough to begin an aerobic program.

Start slowly and exercise for shorter periods of time until you build up your endurance. Also, try not to miss more than one day in between.

Of course, if you find yourself exhausted, take a day off.

But the goal is to get regular exercise on most days of the week. Just be sure to pick what works best for your lifestyle so you can stay with it long-term.

Tips To Burn More Fat and Calories While Walking

the best exercise to lose belly fat

The amount of calories that you will burn while walking is going to depend on your level of intensity, the length of time you walk and also your weight.

If you want to increase the calories that you burn while walking, you can always incorporate holding small hand weights, using fitness walking poles, increasing your incline and lengthening the distance that you walk.

That’s the versatility and beauty of walking. It’s customizable and simple to do.

If you find that you don’t have enough time to do a 45 minute walk each day, then break the time down.

Try doing at least two 15 minute fast-paced walks each day. Use the stairs wherever you go. Park your car farther from the door. Walk your dog.

Not only will you be getting more steps into your day but you’ll be burning calories, losing belly fat with walking and meeting the recommended level of physical daily activity.

The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat and How to Start Burning Belly Fat

the best exercise to lose belly fat

When you decide to incorporate brisk walking into your daily routine, you will start to shed pounds and slim down your belly fat.

If you are just beginning, start slowly and build up your strength and endurance.

At the start, depending on how much belly fat you have to lose, you will notice fat shrinking from every area but your stomach.

That is because the body starts losing fat from the arms, legs, chest and face first.

Stay focussed and committed to your goal. Persistence is the key to losing that belly fat.

Every day that you get going, you will feel stronger, healthier and best of all, you will be slimming down.

Walking briskly just 30 minutes most days will burn a lot of extra calories for the week. This will ultimately improve your metabolism, get your weight moving downward, and help you to reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and more.

Just commit to get yourself going and you will start to reap the rewards.


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